How much does trade credit insurance cost?

The cost of trade credit insurance is calculated as a percentage of your turnover combined with the level of risk.

Your insurer will assess the risk based on trading history, your customer ratings, credit terms, loss history, business sector, customer location and factors such as the need for non-cancellable credit limits or whole turnover cover.

Insuring your accounts receivable is a little different to any other insurance policy when it comes to questions about cost. As with most insurance policies, price is calculated against risk and specific requirements, which means that every policy is costed individually. You can also reduce the cost by choosing to take a greater risk share.

With Atradius Australia Credit Insurance, our small business product (Modula First) ranges in premium from AUD 4,550 to AUD 9,995. Modula First tends to suit smaller businesses with a turnover up to AUD 5 million. Our Modula Policy allows us to provide you with credit insurance tailored to your requirements, so you don’t have to pay for something you won’t need. Atradius Modula is ideal for businesses with a turnover in excess of AUD 5 million.

Atradius Australia credit insurance solutions

Atradius Modula

Designed for larger businesses, this credit insurance policy covers domestic and export trade.

Modula First

Perfect for SMEs, this policy is for domestic trade only (Australia and New Zealand) and covers normal trading receivables exposure up to AUD 100,000.

Media Policy

The Atradius Australia Media Policy is designed for the unique needs of the media and marketing communications industry.


Multinational businesses operating from locations around the world benefit from the global view and local expertise of our Global service.

Special Products

From non-cancellable cover to long-term projects our Special Products solutions are unique, designed to cover things like catastrophic events and political situations that arise outside of your control.

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What is trade credit insurance

Trade credit insurance protects your business from bad debts.


The statements made herein are provided solely for general informational purposes and should not be relied upon for any purpose. Please refer to the actual policy or the relevant product or services agreement for the governing terms. Nothing herein should be construed to create any right, obligation, advice or responsibility on the part of Atradius, including any obligation to conduct due diligence of buyers or on your behalf. If Atradius does conduct due diligence on any buyer it is for its own underwriting purposes and not for the benefit of the insured or any other person. Additionally, in no event shall Atradius and its related, affiliated and subsidiary companies be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of the statements made information herein.